Plastic Finance @ TNS, 3/21


Those of you who are interested in the (de)materialization of currency should consider attending!:

Anthropology at The New School – Spring 2012 Public Lecture Series presents

Bill Maurer, UC, Irvine

The Plastic

Wednesday, March 21st at 6:00pm
Wolff Conference Room
6 E16th Street, 1103

Bill Maurer is Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine. He conducts research on the anthropology of law, and the anthropology of money and finance. His first project was an ethnographic and historical account of the rise of the British Virgin Islands as an important offshore financial services center. His second major project explored alternatives to financial globalization that seek to rewrite the cultural scripts of finance from the ground up. These include alternative currency movements and Islamic banking. His research on Islamic banking led to a side interest in Islamic mortgage alternatives for home financing in the United States. Professor Maurer’s most recent research has been on efforts to reregulate offshore finance using “soft law” rather than sanction. He is interested in the emergence of new forms of governance based on peer-pressure and peer-review. He has also been engaged in a collaborative research project on new forms and technologies of money, payment, and exchange.

Organized by The Department of Anthropology at The New School for Social Research

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