Mapping Diasporic Soundscape in Brooklyn

The working title for my proposed online exhibition is Mapping Diasporic Soundscape in Brooklyn. I engage in the soundscape of the immigrants running businesses such as a deli, a laundromat, a restaurant, etc., which are glossed over within urban landscape. I consider sound as a thing, which is inscribed urban experience. Collecting the marginalized sounds, which are not preserved, nor reproduced, nor listened, I try to find their meanings in a large context of social practices, politics and ideologies. Central to my research involves a dialectic and reflexive data collection that elicits a participatory act of listening. A participatory act of listening leads me to meet and talk about this project with people at immigrant-owned businesses. A final production includes a map of a Brooklyn neighborhood displaying with a collected soundscapes online in order to bring attention to the marginalized soundscape in which people actually live.

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